Person - Centred Emergency Preparedness (P-CEP) Planning - Face to Face


Join us on Monday's to create your own personalised emergency preparedness plan with a training P-CEP (Person- Centred Emergency Preparedness) facilitator at Cooroy Library.

 Personal preparedness is the most important thing anyone can do to make sure they are safe in an emergency. Being prepared helps people to respond better and recover faster. We all need to be ready and know what to do. The Disaster Risk Management cycle has four phases: prevention, preparedness, response, recovery.

The P-CEP initiative has been designed for vulnerable individuals or people with a disability in the community. To embed P-CEP into an individual’s roles and routines, the P-CEP facilitator will conduct a comprehensive strength-based analysis to understand the individual's needs and available resources. They will then support them in accessing the resources they may not have. These discussions are guided by a Social Worker and the Community Resilience and Recovery Officer to ensure that the individual is prepared for emergencies. This approach will be integrated into client interaction and support planning sessions. Structured tools provided by the program, such as the capability wheel and P-CEP workbook, will be utilised to facilitate conversations about individual capabilities and support needs.

Sessions are free and can take up to 1 hour. Please book a timeslot ahead of time. Follow-up sessions will also be available based on need and request.

Booking via email :


Contact Julia (Social Worker ) on: 0474 578 320


This project is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements. 
