RADF logoThe Regional Arts Development Fund

The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Noosa Shire Council to support the development of local arts and culture. It supports local arts and cultural development opportunities by providing one-off, short-term, project-based financial assistance.

RADF Grant Rounds

At Noosa Council the RADF Grant applications are assessed by the RADF Committee, which is made up of local 'arts' professionals. The application requires a detailed project plan, a balanced budget and other information.

If you are interested in this funding the first thing you must do is have an in depth discussion with Noosa Council’s Arts and Culture, Cultural Development Office about your project idea and the application process. The contact number is 5329 6514.

Key Dates:

 RADF Grants

Grant Round 22

Grant Round 21

Accepting applications 9.00am 6 August 2024 9.00am 1 February 2024
Closing date 12 noon, 17 September 2024 12 noon 14 March 2024
Results announced November June
Project delivery period 1st January 2025 - 31st December 2025 1 July 2024 to 30th June 2025
Acquittal will be due Within 30 days of project completion Within 30 days of project completion

The RADF Application is completed and submitted online.


Regional Arts Development Fund acknowledgement requirements

Arts Queensland is Noosa Council's partner in the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF). In media releases, speeches, annual reports, newsletters, any printed promotional material, signage and websites related to this funded project, a RADF recipient must acknowledge the funding by writing or saying the following, "The Regional Arts Development Fund is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Noosa Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland”.

Additionally, the Queensland Government coat of arms and Noosa Counil's Logo (see below) must be displayed on items such as annual reports, promotional videos, advertisements, newsletters, printed promotional materials, signage, websites and invitations relating to this funded project. 

RADF logo


Grants Assessment Process

Noosa Council use an online grants administration program to coordinate the management of their grant programs.


Grants Open and Close



Allocation of Submissions

Council staff are allocated grants that fall within their area of expertise



The Grants Officer assesses eligibility


Departmental Feedback

Feedback is sought on applications from other Council Departments (if required)



Applications are allocated to the RADF Committee members for assessment


Moderators Meeting

A panel made up of the RADF Committee and council staff consider all assessment feedback and determine funding values for recommendation to Council


Council Report

A report is written by a council staff and presented to Council for consideration.


Council Meetings

Councillors consider and approve funding recommendations.


Funding Notifications and Agreements

Successful and unsuccessful notifications are sent to applicants. A funding agreement is offered to successful applicants

Previous Rounds

Useful links:

If you would like to join Council's Grow Your Arts Database for notification of RADF grants and other opportunities please email.


