Water Collection

Rainwater Tanks

A plumbing approval is required if it is proposed or required to connect the rainwater tank to any plumbing fixture.

If the rainwater tank does not connect to any plumbing fixtures a plumbing approval is not required.

Where the rainwater tank is connected to plumbing fixtures the tank must have the ability to be continuously topped up from the reticulated Unitywater water supply and have the ability to be switched back to the reticulated supply via an approved switching device. A backflow prevention device must be installed to reduce the risk of contamination of the Unitywater reticulated water supply.

The Queensland State Government Health Department does not recommend the use of rainwater for human consumption, bathing, utensil washing and food preparation where a reticulated water supply is available.

Property boundary and easement setbacks may need to be considered prior to choosing a location for rainwater tank.