How to register for My Aged Care

To register with My Aged Care (MAC) please follow the below steps. Please note: You may be placed on hold for a period of time, you will eventually get through to a representative.

Step 1

Call MAC directly on 1800 200 422 to speak with a representative to discuss your needs.  An assessment will be scheduled.  Sometimes it is over the phone, or a Regional Assessor (RAS) will come to your home. This might appear to be intrusive for you however, not only is it necessary in order for you to receive subsidised services but will also allow you to gain access to aged care services should your circumstances change.

Step 2

MAC will assess your needs and assist you in accessing the services you require. On many occasions they will call you back from a mobile phone. If you choose not to pick up from an unknown mobile number, they will attempt to call you once more. Please be mindful of this.

Step 3

When you are assessed please let them know what service you would like to have with Noosa Seniors so they can direct the referral code to us.

Step 4

After your assessment the Assessor will enter your details into the My Aged Care portal and notify Noosa Seniors that you wish to access our services. We will send out a welcome pack including documentation for you to peruse and sign.

Step 5

We commence your support.