Rates Information

General Rates

Every rateable property in the Noosa region is levied a general rate. As Noosa Council uses a system of differential general rates all properties in the Noosa region are classified into one of 36 general rate categories, each with its own rate in the dollar and minimum general rate. The general rate for a property is calculated by multiplying the rateable value of the land, as determined by the Department of Resources, by the rate in the dollar for the relevant category. If the calculated amount is below the minimum for that category, then the minimum general rate is levied.

For enquiries about the rateable value of your property contact the Department of Resources.

The Rating Category Statement lists all differential general rate categories, for details on the criteria used to define each differential general rate category please refer to the Differential General Rates Table found in the Revenue Statement starting on page 14.

If you are not satisfied with the category allocated to your property you can object - but only if you believe that, based on Council's criteria for categorising rateable land, your property should be in another category.  An objection must be lodged with council within 30 days from the date of issue on your rate notice using either:

If you lodge an objection the levied rates and charges are still due and payable. If the differential category is altered as a result of the objection council will make an adjustment to the rates and advise you in writing.

For further information on whether the new transitory accommodation rating categories apply to your property please refer to the different scenarios set out in the Transitory Rating Examples

Principal Place of Residence (PPR) - Category objection

The general rates levied on a property where you live i.e. your principal place of residence (PPR) are different to the general rates levied on a residential property if you own it but don't live there. A PPR is a residential dwelling or unit where at least one owner permanently resides.


To have a property classed as your principal place of residence complete the Principal Place of Residence Declaration [224KB] form and provide two supporting documents as proof of residency.


You can apply for PPR status even if the property is held in a company or trust name. Complete the Principal Place of Residence Declaration for Companies [229KB] form. The ratepayer must:

  • permanently live at the property
  • provide evidence of shares/ownership of the company/trust by the ratepayer
  • provide proof of residency.


Council charges interest on rates and charges not paid by the due date. Interest charges are 12.35% per year compounding daily.