Tracking our waste reduction

The Noosa Waste Plan 2023-28 was shaped with extensive input from the community and provides a blueprint to achieve a significant reduction in materials being sent to landfill.

The highest source of Council's emissions (63%) is the landfill owned and operated by Noosa Council that receives and manages the Noosa community's residential and commercial waste.

The Waste Pan is guided by the principles of the waste hierarchy below:












In 2023-24 the amount of waste received at the Noosa landfill was 92,000 tonnes of which 52% was diverted from landfill.

Waste quick facts 22-23





In 2021-22 the amount of waste received at the Noosa landfill was 84,000 tonnes of which 46% was diverted from landfill.

Waste quick facts 21-22