Noosa Orchid Society 40 years Spring Show


Noosa Orchid Society celebrates 40 years at their Spring Show at Cooroy Memorial Hall on 13-14 September. Beautiful displays of orchids and foliage plus plants to buy and hands-on potting workshops.

Noosa District Orchid & Foliage Society celebrates 40 years since the society was formed, with their annual Spring Orchid Show on Friday 13 and Saturday 14 September.

The show, in Cooroy Memorial Hall in Maple Street, runs 8.30am-4pm on Friday and 8.30am-2pm on Saturday. Entry is $4 and raffle tickets $1 each.

This show not only provides spectacular flowers and foliage displays of prize-winning plants, it’s also a great opportunity to buy a beautiful orchid, fern or bromeliad. There is also the popular hands-on potting workshop where everything is supplied, including the orchid, and you can take it home for only $10. While orchids have a reputation of being delicate and tricky, they are actually surprisingly tolerant, though most don’t like too much water. They have been around for more than 80 million years in a wide range of climates and regions across the planet. Buying the right orchids for your location is one of the best ways to maximise your success, along with getting some local growers’ tips through joining an orchid club. Experienced orchid growers are on hand at the show to advise on caring for orchids, ferns and foliage. Noosa District Orchid & Foliage Society welcomes new members at their monthly meetings.

You can get information on joining the society at the show, and meetings are held from 1pm on the first Saturday of each month at Tinbeerwah Hall from February to November each year.