Final call to have your say on Environment Strategy


The valuable work of volunteer and community groups in maintaining our local environment remains a fundamental part of council’s draft Environment Strategy.

The draft Strategy, out now for comment, details how Council will coordinate, support and prioritise a range of environmental activities, into the future, including the valuable contribution our environment groups and volunteers make.

Time is running out for local residents to have their say with feedback closing March 25 on the Your Say Noosa website.

Environmental Services Manager Craig Doolan said volunteers, and community groups make a crucial contribution to maintaining our environment.

“This year, two new bushland care groups have started up, making a total of 18 bush care groups with over 200 volunteers now operating in Noosa” Mr Doolan said.

At Weyba Creek Bushland Reserve Bushland Care Group, near Elysium Estate at Noosa Heads, volunteers are working to protect and improve habitat for threatened plant and animal species, including koalas and acid frogs.

“The group has already started removing weeds, and encouraging the regeneration of casuarina trees, a favourite food source for the glossy black cockatoos.

“The bushland care program is one of the many environmental initiatives supported by Noosa Council, which is a successful partnership program with the community.

Mr Doolan said it’s important projects like these, that are a great example of what the Environment Strategy will help coordinate, to ensure the long term preservation of our environment.

Mr Doolan is encouraging residents to take the time to review and comment on the draft strategy before March 25.

Visit  to have your say.

15 March 2019