Safety first with Hilton Terrace speed limit reduction


A new 50km/h speed limit for Hilton Terrace, between Doonella Street and the Eumundi-Noosa Road roundabout, will take effect from Wednesday October 30.

Project officer Aiden Flannery said the speed reduction from 60km/h to 50km/h would make the busy road safer for the many pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists who use it daily.

“Reducing the speed limit on this section of Hilton Terrace to make it safer for pedestrians using the zebra crossings was recommended as part of a shire-wide review of safety near pedestrian crossings,” Mr Flannery said.

“The 50km/h limit will also deliver significant road safety benefits for other road users, with evidence showing lower speed limits in urban environments can reduce the number of crashes and their severity.

“In determining the new speed limit, Council officers reviewed the road’s function, the roadside environment, how fast vehicles travel the road, roadside hazards, and crash history.

“The local Speed Management Committee, which includes representatives from Council, Queensland Police, and the Department of Transport and Main Roads, endorsed the 50km/h speed limit recommendation.”

Mr Flannery said motorists should look out for the new signage and drive to conditions.

The new speed limit signs are expected to be installed along Hilton Terrace on Wednesday 30 October, weather permitting.

28 October 2019