Apply now for new Multi-year Environment Grants


A brand new grants program to fund major environmental projects for up to three years is now taking applications.

Council’s Multi-year Environment Collaborative (MEC) Grants program is open to not-for-profit community organisations.

Environmental Services Manager Craig Doolan said tackling major environmental issues often required longer-term partnerships with environment and other community groups.

“That’s why we’ve introduced the Multi-year Environment Collaborative Grants. We’ll be looking for projects that deliver clear, measurable, environmental outcomes,” he said.

“Projects funded through the program will typically involve multiple community stakeholders, working together towards a common goal.”

MEC Grants encourage collaboration between community groups on projects that ultimately help achieve the goals of the Noosa Environment Strategy, Mr Doolan said.

“The ability to run grants over several years allows Council to support larger-scale, strategic initiatives that provide for significant, long-term positive impacts on the Noosa environment.”

The Multi-year Environment Collaborative (MEC) Grants program is funded from the Environment Levy.

Mr Doolan said $250,000 was available for projects in the 2019/20 financial year.

“Groups interested in applying should have a look at the Noosa Environment Strategy and then discuss their project with a member of Council’s Environment team.”

Visit Council's website for more information.

Applications for this round of funding close Wednesday, December 18.

18 November 2019