New Noosa Plan protects our lifestyle and environment


Preserving our way of life and the natural environment remain the cornerstone of the draft Noosa Planning scheme, known as the New Noosa Plan.

At a Special Meeting today (Thursday February 14), Council endorsed the public release of the draft planning scheme for community feedback.

The scheme is the blueprint for the future, helping shape the shire’s growth, as well as business and housing options for the next 20 years.

Mayor Tony Wellington said the New Noosa Plan had a strong focus on protecting the uniqueness of where we live.

“The message we received loud and clear during the extensive consultation in 2016 was that Noosa residents highly value their lifestyle as well as the local environment. They don’t want the fundamental attributes of Noosa Shire to change,” he said.

“So this draft scheme protects the look-and-feel of Noosa, whilst also seeking to meet the requirements of the future.

“We need to make allowances for shifts in the way people wish to live and work.”

“So the New Noosa Plan will facilitate more housing and business choices and also continue the place-based approach of the existing planning scheme, ensuring the individual character of our towns and localities are preserved.” Cr Wellington said.

The New Noosa Plan is the culmination of several years’ work and addresses housing options as well as the emergence of new industries. It also considers the biodiversity values of the region, future transport needs, and opportunities for rural enterprises.

“Now we want every interested resident, business owner and rural landowner to talk with our staff and make themselves aware of any changes in their areas,” Cr Wellington said.

“Whilst the State Government requires a minimum of 30 business days, we have decided to extend the consultation period to three months. That way, there is ample time for residents to acquaint themselves with aspects of the Scheme and lodge their submissions.”

“There will be numerous pop-up information sessions, briefings to stakeholder groups and a dedicated display space at 3 Pelican Street in Tewantin, just down the road from the Council building.”

The community is also being encouraged to review the plan and provide their thoughts via the Your Say Noosa website. The consultation period runs until May 20.

The New Noosa Plan will be available on Council’s website Friday February 15 at 9am or drop into the display space at 3 Pelican Street, Tewantin.

14 February 2019