Sun powering Council's electricity cost savings


The sun has powered a massive reduction in Council’s energy consumption with some venues using up to 74% less power from the grid since solar panels were installed.

The Noosaville Depot’s power bill has dropped by 58% since the installation of a 50kW solar system in August last year.

Meanwhile, Council is spending at least 30% less on power bills for The J, Noosa Leisure Centre and Noosa Community Support, since solar was installed last year.

Council has endorsed the Zero Emissions Action Plan and has powered through the installation of more than 1100 solar panels, among other energy efficiency projects.

Carbon Reduction Project Officer Annie Nolan said Council’s solar roll-out was achieving solid results.

“The solar systems have been so effective that in the month of August our Noosaville depot consumed only 767 kWh from the grid, down from 10,200 kWh in the same period in 2018,” she said.

“The solar program will soon be extended to the Noosaville Library, Noosa River Holiday Park and the Cooroy Butter Factory, to generate more green energy.

“These amazing results with solar help drive down Council’s emissions from electricity generation and assist in Council's aim of achieving net zero emissions by 2026. 

“As the emissions from the landfill are a significant proportion of Council's carbon footprint we are exploring ways of reducing these emissions, including the potential for electricity generation from the landfill gas in the future,” Ms Nolan said.

For further information, visit Council's website.

30 September 2019