Statement from Council regarding beekeeping in Noosa Shire
Noosa does not ban bees or beekeeping in urban areas.

Housing native bees for their biodiversity value is no different to putting up nesting boxes for possums or birds.
There's been a lot of commentary online about our stance on beekeeping.
To provide better clarity, Council plans to consult with the beekeeping industry to ensure we achieve the best outcome for the community.
Here are some other facts:
- The Noosa Plan 2020 does not ban beekeeping in urban areas – it is silent on bee keeping in urban areas, just like it is silent on keeping chickens or domestic animals.
- If you are housing native bees for their biodiversity value it’s no different to putting up nesting boxes for possums or birds.
- If you are keeping honey bees at a scale / rate that cannot be considered ancillary to the domestic use of the property it will fall under the definition of animal husbandry, which is a use not supported in urban residential zones.
- In the rural and rural residential areas, you can have 3 hives, as of right. More hives are allowed on blocks greater than 4ha.