Award celebrates Jane's dedication to local heritage


Noosa Council Heritage Coordinator Jane Harding’s efforts to celebrate and preserve Noosa’s history have been recognised with an outstanding achievement award from Museum & Galleries Queensland.

Ms Harding was named a finalist in the ‘Individuals: Paid Staff’ category of the 2018 Gallery and Museum Achievement Awards.

Ms Harding has worked for Noosa Council for more than 14 years.  As Heritage Coordinator, she is responsible for coordinating all heritage activities and projects for Noosa Council, including management of the Noosa Heritage Library and Picture Noosa collection and overseeing the Heritage Levy.  She also provides heritage advice and support to other Council departments and a wide range of community organisations.

In presenting the award, Museums & Galleries Queensland Executive Director, Rebekah Butler, said, “Being recognised as a finalist in this category is great testimony to Jane’s ongoing strive towards excellence, her personality and skills”.

“She works tirelessly to increase and share the knowledge and understanding of local heritage throughout the Noosa Shire. She is instrumental in ensuring that this young community’s history is appreciated and captured for future generations.”

Noosa Mayor Tony Wellington said the award was well-deserved.

“Jane is a great asset to both Noosa Council and the community. She is a passionate champion of local heritage, continually working to document and preserve our local history. She has also developed excellent working relationships with many local community groups and individuals.

“Jane has a great knack for bringing the stories of Noosa’s past to life. She developed the concept for Council’s recent Remembering Peace Flotilla, a re-enactment of the Armistice Day event of 100 years ago. She also co-authored Council’s award-winning book Noosa Remembers: a history of the World War I memorials of Noosa Shire.

“Understanding our local heritage is a useful factor in developing social capital and furthering community wellbeing. All of Jane’s work helps raise awareness of our local history and it is deservedly recognised with this award,” the Mayor said.

Ms Harding was nominated and shortlisted as a finalist in the ‘Individuals: Paid Staff’ category of the Awards.

The winners of the 2018 Gallery and Museum Achievement Awards (GAMAA) were announced in December.

The Gallery and Museum Achievement Awards were established by Museums & Galleries Queensland in 2004 to honour the achievements of our state’s individuals and organisations in striving towards excellence.

7 January 2019