Local government legend ‘fox trots’ in to retirement


After 14 years with Noosa Council and 30 years in local government, Noosa’s widely respected Director of Community Services, Alan ‘Fox’ Rogers, retires this week.

Mr Rogers has played an instrumental role in the development of some of the Shire’s most significant public infrastructure, including the Cooroy Library, The J theatre and the recently completed Peregian Digital Hub.

He was also a driving force behind the Noosa Social Plan and other important policy documents for Council, and filled the role of Local Disaster Management Group Coordinator during his tenure with Noosa.

Mayor Tony Wellington said Fox leaves behind a powerful legacy not just to Council, but also to the broader Noosa community.

“At the heart of it, Fox is a people person, which is just the type of person you want heading up your Community Services Department. He is also somewhat unconventional, frequently forcing the rest of us to think outside the proverbial square.”

“Fox has consistently served the Council and the entire Shire with the very best of intentions, always putting the good of our community at the forefront of Council business. His unflappable demeanour was a perfect fit, not just during disasters, but also when dealing with impassioned community issues like the resurrection of the Cooroy Memorial Hall,” Mr Wellington said.

“The Noosa Shire is a better place thanks to his enduring and committed efforts, and his strong leadership, generous guidance of less senior staff and wicked sense of humour will be sorely missed.”

Current Noosa Council Manager of Libraries and Galleries, Kerri Contini, has been appointed to fill the Community Services Director role upon Mr Rogers’ retirement.

17 December 2018