Local commitment to nature conservation recognised


Volunteers from the Bushland Care Program have been recognised for their efforts following another successful year helping to restore local bushland.

Mayor Tony Wellington presented Rochelle Gooch from the Peregian Beach Community Association with the coveted ‘Silver Shovel’ award for 2018 at the Program’s end of year party held this past weekend.

Recognised for her commitment to nature conservation in the Noosa Shire, Ms Gooch credited the win in part to the tireless help of her husband Ron.

The Bushland Care Program is a partnership arrangement between Noosa Council and local volunteers that aims to actively involve the community in the restoration of degraded bushland areas and to reduce the impact of weeds.

Mayor Wellington said the Program volunteers added significantly to the overall environmental efforts of Council.

“A lot of their work goes unnoticed by the general community. But we just couldn’t achieve the level of conservation and bush restoration throughout the Shire without the support of the bushland volunteers,” Mr Wellington said.

“For example, the Cranks Creek group have collaborated closely with Noosa Council and contractors to significantly improve the ecological values in the previously degraded riparian zone adjacent to Cranks Creek.

“Another wonderful example is the work carried out by the Girraween group. They have restored an area of Council-managed land that forms the edge of the Girraween section of Noosa National Park. It was heavily infested with environmental weeds and is now being returned to native habitat.

“It was an absolute pleasure to join more than 50 volunteers at the end-of-year Christmas Party held at Peregian Beach Community House. These people toil for the benefit of our entire community, as well as for the benefit of our natural environment.”

There are currently 15 different bushland groups registered in the Program and all hold regular working bees throughout the year at various locations around the Shire.

If you’re interested in joining a local group, visit Council’s website for more information at: ​ https://www.noosa.qld.gov.au/bushland-care-program

Photo attached: Mayor Tony Wellington presents Bushland Care Program volunteer Rochelle Gooch with the coveted ‘Silver Shovel’ award for her efforts in 2018.

5 December 2018