Council welcomes court’s Cooroy retirement village decision
Noosa Council has welcomed a Planning and Environment Court verdict upholding a 2021 decision to refuse a 246-unit retirement village on land next to the golf course at Cooroy.

The Planning and Environment Court has upheld Council’s 2021 decision to refuse the Cooroy retirement village application.
Planning and Regulation Director Richard MacGillivray said the decision ensured Cooroy’s character was protected, with the site currently zoned for Open Space Recreation and Rural Residential.
“The proposal would have resulted in a high-density residential development outside the Urban Growth Boundary on land set aside as green space,” Mr MacGillivray said.
Planning staff had recommended refusal of the GemLife application citing significant conflicts with the planning scheme.
“We were concerned the development, had it gone ahead, would have adversely impacted on the site’s environmental values and the visual amenity of the entrance to Cooroy, plus resulted in several poor built form, design, and amenity outcomes,” Mr MacGillivray said.
Council was unanimous in its decision – on March 18, 2021 – to refuse the application.
“Pleasingly the court agreed that the proposal conflicted with Council’s planning strategy to preclude urban development on the subject land.
“Noosa Council places high value on open space, recreational and rural lands and we’re pleased the court has again recognised our consistent record of making planning decisions that uphold our planning scheme,” Mr MacGillivray said.
“Noosa Council is grateful for the support from the Cooroy Area Residents Association who were co-respondents and locked arms with Council throughout the appeal.”