Residents’ input needed to finalise foreshore infrastructure master plan and resilience strategies


A new infrastructure master plan for Noosaville’s popular foreshore has advanced to the next stage, with Noosa Council calling for further community feedback to help finalise the guiding document. 

Picture for media release

The new infrastructure master plan will guide the rollout of new and replacement assets along the foreshore.

With input from more than 430 community members and other stakeholders last year the draft master plan is now ready for community review,” Infrastructure Services Director Shaun Walsh said.

“It’s such a treasured part of our shire that we want to be sure everyone has a chance to have a say on the future of the foreshore and for those who’ve previously provided input, it’s a chance to check back in and see how the plan they’ve helped create has developed.

"We are eager to hear residents’ feedback to ensure the plan reflects our collective vision."

The Noosaville Foreshore is a popular area for activities such as walking, cycling, swimming, rowing, yachting, fishing, picnicking, shopping, and dining. 

It also holds deep cultural significance for the Kabi Kabi Peoples.

The new infrastructure master plan will guide the rollout of new and replacement assets along the foreshore such as amenities, playground facilities, lookouts, seating hubs, barbecues, gazebos, park furniture, pathways, lighting, fitness equipment and trees, to better serve the community’s needs.

The master plan will ensure equitable access for all users of the foreshore into the future.

The plan will also ensure the foreshore’s natural beauty and cultural heritage is preserved.

"Upgrading our infrastructure to meet the diverse needs of our community while ensuring the foreshore is resilient to the impacts of climate change is a top priority," Mr Walsh said. 

"The draft plan incorporates strategies from our Coastal Hazards Adaptation Plan and Climate Change Response Plan to tackle challenges such as flooding, sea-level rise, and storm tides.

The draft master plan, which features site analysis and concept designs, is available to view online at

“While there, residents can have a say on the draft masterplan by completing a quick online survey.”

Council aims to have the Master Plan completed by late 2024.