Be ready for storms and bushfires, get a WHAT-IF? plan


With Get Ready Queensland Week upon us, now is the time to put together a ‘WHAT-IF?’ emergency plan for when disaster strikes.

That’s the message from Noosa’s new Local Disaster Coordinator Carl Billingham.

“Don’t wait until it’s too late. If you haven’t already developed a WHAT-IF? plan, make it a priority during Get Ready Week – October 8 to 12 – to prepare one,” he said.

Mr Billingham said the plan should include strategies for dealing with extended power outages, property damage and loss of water supply in the wake of bushfires, severe storms and other disasters.

“It’s also important to consider pets as well as strategies you can employ in the event family members can’t get home during a disaster.”

Mr Billingham said a Red Cross survey revealed less than half of Australians have thought about their risk of weather emergencies.

“Severe storms can strike at any time. They are often unpredictable and can cause major damage to property, as well as serious injury and even loss of life.

“Bushfires too are part of life in Queensland, which is why we all need to be prepared. Once you’ve developed your WHAT-IF plan, it can be put into action time and time again.”

Mr Billingham assured Noosa residents the Local Disaster Management Group was ready to respond in times of emergency.

For ideas and tips on developing an effective WHAT-IF? Plan, visit the Get Ready website

8 October 2018