Council's capital program delivery is streets ahead


Mayor Tony Wellington says Council has delivered the bulk of its record $28.9 million 2017/18 capital program as predicted in the budget.

“Noosa Council’s investment in the renewal and replacement of community infrastructure such as roads, bridges and facilities is streets ahead of many other local governments,” the Mayor said.

“Although the recommended target for asset sustainability is 90%, Noosa Council managed to achieve a ratio of 117% over the last financial year. The Asset Sustainability Ratio measures the expenditure on the replacement of assets against Council’s annual depreciation expense. It demonstrates the extent to which assets are being replaced as they reach the end of their useful life.

“Achieving greater than 100% shows that we are not only investing heavily in asset replacement, but we are also ahead of most other councils, many of whom never achieve the State recommended target of 90%.

“Residents can rest assured that Council is on top of its asset management,” says Mayor Wellington. “Not only are we ahead with our capital replacement, but we’re also upgrading many of our assets to a higher standard.”

The 2017/18 capital works program was the biggest in Noosa Council’s history achieving $28.9 million in project spend.

“We are actually ahead of schedule for a number of projects,” the Mayor said. “Both the Park Road boardwalk upgrade and the Noosaville Library refurbishment are running ahead of their project timetables.

“Of course, there will always be some carry-over projects from one financial year to the next. Work doesn’t stop just because we reach the end of the financial year. We have to spread the delivery of projects across the whole calendar year, meaning some projects begin in one financial year and are completed in the next. Taking carry-over projects into account, we managed to achieve a 98% spend of our capital works program against budget in 2017/18, which is absolutely exemplary.

“I am extremely proud to be working with such a dedicated and efficient infrastructure team. Without their efforts we would be just another average performing council. Instead, Noosa Council is far exceeding expectations,” the Mayor said.

“This new financial year will again see a record spend on capital works. Apart from the $26 million in maintenance costs, we have currently budgeted for $31 million in renewals, upgrades and also new works.”

13 August 2018