Wildlife care team mobilised in wake of Peregian fires


Fifteen wildlife carers are on the ground in the Peregian and Marcus Beach areas combing the area for injured wildlife in the wake of the bushfires.

Council’s Environment Manager Craig Doolan said residents could help by calling Sunshine Coast Wildlife Rescue if they see any injured wildlife.

“If it’s wildlife that’s safe to handle, carefully put it into a box, cover the box, and contact Sunshine Coast Wildlife Rescue,” he said.

“Don’t approach or attempt to handle injured snakes, goannas, bats, large birds, or mammals such as koalas, kangaroos and possums - leave this to trained wildlife carers.”

While it is important that injured wildlife should not be given food or water until they get proper veterinary care, Mr Doolan said one of the simplest ways residents could help wildlife following bushfires was to leave water bowls out for any healthy, but thirsty, animals that wander into backyards.

“Bushfires can be devastating to wildlife, and there is little doubt that the recent fires will have had a heavy impact on local fauna,” he said.

“Wildlife care experts have been through areas where it’s safe to access, checking for injured wildlife. There have been some good news stories among the bad, including the discovery of a ringtail possum, with a joey in its pouch, clinging to a burnt tree. Both are in care and doing well.”

Call Sunshine Coast Wildlife Rescue to report injured wildlife on 0458 682 152.

12 September 2019