Council encourages residents to apply for rebate on new appliance purchase


Council is encouraging residents to take advantage of a new Queensland Government rebate which sees households eligible for up to $300 rebate on the purchase of a new washing machine, fridge or air conditioner.

The Queensland Government’s Energy Efficient Rebate which started on 1 January to assist households to reduce their power bills, provides rebates of up to $300 on the purchase of new 4-star or higher energy rated household appliances purchased on or after 1 January 2018.

Households will be able to apply for one of the following rebates:

$200 for a 4-star energy rated washing machine
$250 for a 4-star energy rated fridge
$300 for a 4-star energy rated air conditioner.

If you choose to purchase a PeakSmart air conditioner, you may also be able to apply for additional financial benefits available through Energex’s Positive Payback Program.

Only one appliance rebate is eligible per household and proof of purchase will be required as part of the application.

Noosa Council’s CEO Brett de Chastel said this was a terrific initiative of the Queensland Government to assist households to reduce their power bills. 

“By reducing electricity consumption, we also reduce emissions from coal-fired power stations.  So if you are considering upgrading your appliances, Council encourages you to take advantage of this State Government rebate opportunity.”

Applications are not yet open, so if you are making the most of the post-Christmas sales, ensure you hold onto your receipt to submit with your application. Your receipt or proof of purchase must show payment in full dated on or after 1 January 2018.

To receive an email or text message when applications open, provide your details at

2 January 2018