Read early and often to increase literacy
Read early and read often, is the message delivered by the Noosa Library Service initiative, Reading Stars.
Parents who sign up their infants and toddlers for a personal library card, and borrow at least 10 books each visit from Cooroy, Noosaville or Mobile libraries, will be winners in many ways.
To become a Reading Star, all it takes is to borrow regularly and to read, talk, sing, and play with babies and toddlers every day.
Reading Stars winners receive a prize for their reading achievement and will be invited to attend an end of year family celebration.
The Reading Stars program is designed to inspire parents to share the love of reading from an early age.
“To ensure that all families share the benefits, we want every child under 5 to have their own library card,” says Libraries and Galleries Manager, Kerri Contini.
Ms Contini said: “Sharing stories, rhymes, singing, talking and playing with your child from birth builds a foundation for your child’s future development that can last a lifetime.”
“Research consistently shows that the number of different words a baby hears each day is the single most important predictor of later school success and social competence.”
Ms Contini said the Library encouraged families to look for any opportunity to spend time talking, reading and playing with babies and toddlers.
“Bath times, meal times, driving in the car – any ordinary activity can be an opportunity to introduce your child to new sounds and words.”
Noosa Library Service has been delivering early literacy programs for many years, with over 150 storytelling sessions presented to families at libraries each year.
The Library Service also participates in the State Library of Queensland’s First 5 Forever program which emphasises the important role of parents and family relationships in the development of young babies.
For information about the Noosa Library Service Storytime programs call (07) 5329 6555 or look online.
Visit the website and get more free tips for parents.
First 5 Forever, an initiative of the State Library of Queensland and the Queensland Government, is delivered locally in partnership with Noosa Council.
14 September 2017