War on weeds ahead of campground revamp
A partnership between Noosa Council and Noosa Landcare has rid Noosa North Shore Beachfront Campground of thousands of weeds.
Landcare volunteers, with support from the Green Army and Skilling Queenslanders for Work trainees, have been on site since February, removing at least 17 types of weeds.
The weed removal program is in preparation for Council to upgrade the campground, starting in May 2018.
In addition to revamping the facilities, Council will rehabilitate the dunes and a section of adjoining national park.
“The campground historically encroached on the dunes and national park land. As part of the revamp we will formalise the boundaries, and some of the access tracks, and plant more than 10,000 native plants to rehabilitate the damaged areas,” says Council’s project officer Denis Wallace.
“Landcare and their helpers have already rid at least half the site of extensive weed infestation, which means we can start to revegetate the degraded areas with appropriate native plants.”
Council’s planned upgrade will also deliver new and improved amenities and reception area.
“This upgrade will help minimise the campground’s impact on the surrounding environment, as well as provide visitors with an improved camping experience,” Mr Wallace said.
“The partnership with Landcare has been a huge success, with their hard work markedly improving the natural look and feel of the site.”
Phillip Moran from Landcare said weed species removed include lantana, asparagus fern, Singapore daisy, corky passionflower and groundsel.
“The removal of these invasive weed species will allow natural regeneration of native species to occur, supplemented by proposed revegetation works at this iconic site,” Mr Moran said.
“The project has also allowed our trainees to gain valuable experience in weed management in the coastal dunal environment.”
The 2018 upgrade is expected to take approximately six months and will require the campground to be closed for periods while the work is completed.
18 August 2017