Join National Tree Day on July 30
Noosa’s Bushland Care Groups are looking for volunteers to help them dig deep for National Tree Day on Sunday, July 30.
Volunteers will help plant 500 small native shrubs and ground-cover plants on the banks of Noosaville’s Creek Road Park alongside the Weyba Creek Bushland Care volunteers, who’ve organised the event.
Council’s Community Partnerships Officer Kylie Gordon said the shire’s 16 Bushland Care Groups did a tremendous job planting and weeding Noosa’s natural areas all year round.
“National Tree Day is a great way for the wider community to support them in the important work they do assisting Council’s natural areas staff to enhance biodiversity in the shire,” she said.
This year volunteers will weed and plant groundcovers and shrubs on the banks of Weyba Creek.
“The new plantings will help make the creek bank more stable, enhance the riparian area and help reduce the occurrence of weeds,” Ms Gordon said
“Some community groups and businesses have already signed up to help, but there is still room for more volunteers,” Ms Gordon said.
Volunteers, including mums and dad and kids, are welcome to take part on Sunday, July 30 at:
- Creek Road Park, from 8am to 10.30am.
Planet Ark launched National Tree Day in 1996 and since then more than 3.5 million volunteers have planted 22 million trees.
“Volunteers will be working close to the edge of the creek. Gloves are provided but we’re encouraging volunteers to bring a hat, closed in shoes, water bottle and hopefully plenty of enthusiasm,” Ms Gordon said.
Volunteers are invited to join a morning tea afterwards.
For further information or to get involved, please contact Noosa Council on (07) 5329 6500 or visit the Planet Ark website.
17 July 2017