Are you a good bushland neighbour?


Residents whose homes adjoin bushland can help Council’s Natural Areas team keep the natural areas in top condition by being good bushland neighbours.

“Living near bushland is appealing. It’s nice to look out on and enjoy the wildlife it attracts, but it comes with special responsibilities,” says Natural Areas Officer Michael Lyons.

This includes making sure not to encroach on bushland reserves, keeping garden waste out of the bush and reporting anyone seen dumping waste within a reserve.

Mr Lyons said weeds and garden plant material, if dumped in bushland, could significantly impact native habitat for native flora and fauna.

“Some of the worst weeds in our bushland reserves come from garden waste,” he said.

“Using bushland reserves for any sort of household storage, as well as for parking cars, boats and trailers is not permitted as it can cause damage to the fragile eco systems local wildlife relies on.”

Mr Lyons said most residents do the right thing, however some people see adjoining bushland as an extension of their own properties for storage, parking and rubbish disposal.

“Dumped garden rubbish, in addition to damaging the environment, creates a fire hazard,” Mr Lyons said.

“Importantly, bushland provides shade and protects adjoining properties from the full impacts of severe storms, floods and erosion along waterways and coastal areas. So, residents have many reasons to want to look after our reserves,” he said.

“By working together we can all help preserve our bushland areas so they retain the environmental and aesthetic values that attract residents in the first place.”

For more information about Council’s bushland reserves and how to be a good bushland neighbour, visit the website.

8 August 2019