Digital hub a step closer


Preparatory work on the new Peregian Beach digital hub, to be built on the northern end of the Community House carpark on David Low Way, will start this week.

Contractors expect to finish the project by Christmas, with the new extended carpark to open ahead of the building completion, weather permitting.

To make way for the digital hub, Council needs to close the existing carpark on David Low Way.

But it will stay open until Council puts the finishing touches on the new temporary carpark, already underway next to the tennis club, plus the Rufous Lane construction.

“Rufous Lane is currently under construction. It will provide easy pedestrian access between Peregian Beach village and the new temporary carpark on Rufous Street, which vehicles can enter via Woodland Drive,” Project Manager Adam Britton said.

The digital hub is a $3M project, funded by Council, with the Queensland Government contributing $1M in grant funding.

Mr Britton said works currently underway on David Low Way were almost complete.

New David Low Way pedestrian refuges and a raised crossing will help improve pedestrian access between the Rufous Street Precinct and the village.

“Council appreciates the community’s patience while the digital hub and carpark are built. We will be making every effort to minimise disruption to the community wherever possible,” Mr Britton said.

For the latest information about the digital hub development and Rufous Street Precinct project at Peregian Beach, visit Council’s YourSay Noosa website.

24 May 2017