Free QMusic Workshop for Noosa


Noosa Council is hosting another free arts workshop as part of its Grow Your Arts series.

The QMusic and APRA AMCOS Workshop – will be held from 12 noon to 3pm, Saturday 20 May at the CQU Campus, 90 Goodchap St, Noosaville.

This free workshop, aimed at up-and-coming musicians, will give insights into Australia’s leading new music festival and industry conference BIGSOUND, which annually brings Australian musicians together to meet each other and learn about the industry.

Council’s Community Development Officer responsible for arts and culture, Belinda Simonsen, says the workshop is another great opportunity for local musicians to get together to talk shop.

“There are plenty of musical events out there in Noosa, like Peregian Originals and The J’s Sound Feast Music Jam held monthly, as well as all of the home concerts and jamming that goes on around Noosa,” she said.

“We wanted to provide a workshop that offers industry help to these musicians so they can find out more about who is out there in Queensland to look after them and represent them,” she said.

QMusic is Queensland's music industry development association, and is focused on promoting the artistic value, cultural worth and commercial potential of Queensland music.

APRA AMCOS helps music creators get paid for their work and gives music users easy ways to legally play and copy what they like. 

“As well as talking about BIGSOUND, QMusic’s Trina Massey will enlighten musos on the Queensland Music Awards, while Andrew Tuttle from APRA AMCOS will explain the benefits of being a member of the industry body,” Ms Simonsen  said.

“Workshop participants can even book a one-on-one session with Trina and Andrew to discuss their own music and how they may help. It’s a really great opportunity.”

For more information visit Council’s website, send an email to Belinda Simonsen or phone her on (07) 5329 6558.

12 May 2017