Harvesting underway ahead of Yurol Forest land transfer


Yurol Forest plantation timber harvesting will ramp up in August, as part of a larger project that will ultimately protect 2400 hectares of state forest as national park.

Council’s CEO Brett de Chastel advised the community to expect temporary traffic delays on Yurol Forest Drive near Pomona, plus temporary Noosa Trail Network closures.

“Traffic controls will be in place, and signs will advise of closures to parts of the trail network as required,” he said.

It is part of the $3.5 million conservation deal between Council, the Queensland Government, environment group Noosa Parks Association and HQPlantations.

Pine and Gympie Messmate plantation trees will need to be removed to allow the area to return to koala habitat.

“Plantation timber harvesting practices aim to retain as much natural regrowth as possible. This will allow the area to naturally regenerate. In some areas plantings will be needed to help bring the area back to a natural condition,” Mr de Chastel said.

“Just recently Queensland Koala Crusaders and Noosa & District Landcare delivered a community tree planting day to kick-start revegetation at Ringtail State Forest. The plantings were funded by BodyShop and Peppers Resort.

“The full 2400 hectares of land preserved under this project will protect an important regional wildlife corridor stretching from Pomona all the way to the Noosa River.”

For more information on the conservation project, visit the website.

29 July 2019