Let's become champion recyclers


Noosa residents are already some of the best recyclers in Australia with nearly 5000 residents voluntarily recycling their garden waste.

Council is calling on all residents to ramp up their recycling efforts in readiness for the roll-out of the new three-bin system in September, as part of the Towards Zero Waste initiative.

More than 9000 homes and duplexes in urban areas of the shire will receive a new garden waste bin, in addition to their usual recycling and general waste bins.

Council’s Waste and Environmental Health Manager, Wayne Schafer, said: “If 14,000 households are all using their garden waste bin correctly, we will be diverting thousands of tonnes of organic waste from landfill per year. 

“This means that we will be reducing the amount of global warming methane gas we produce and at the same time extending the life of our landfill. It is a classic win-win.

“Council recycles garden waste by turning it into garden mulch and making it available back to residents for free,” Mr Schafer said.

“We ask residents not to contaminate the garden waste bin, or the recycling bin, with plastic bags or other non-recyclables. These items seriously reduce the quality of mulch and our ability to process recyclables at the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF).

“Plastic bags can only go into the general waste bin because they also contaminate the recycling bin.

“As a Council we are very keen to recycle as much as possible, so we are also making larger 360L bins available from September 1 for both recycling and garden waste, upon request,” Mr Schafer said.

Property owners who would like a 360L bin are urged to contact Council before 30 April if they want to order a larger bin for the start of the new three-bin system in September. Phone (07) 5329 6500.

For more information about the new garden waste bin service please visit Council's website.

3 April 2017