Home care changes for seniors
As a result of changes the Australian Government is making to the way home care services are delivered to eligible Australians, home care package funding will now follow the consumer.
This means package recipients can now choose and direct home care package funding to the service provider that best meets their needs, including to Noosa Community Support (NCS).
“NCS offers older and frail people, persons with dementia, and their carers, a personalised service. Our services enhance independence and enable people to remain living within the community by taking a wellness approach to care, building people’s confidence and enabling active ageing ” says Ms Kraushaar, NCS Service Delivery Team Leader.
NCS offers a purpose-built centre in Noosaville’s beautiful Wallace Park, providing social interaction and therapeutic programs for clients and some well-deserved respite for their carers.
“We offer a variety of activities including guest performers, day outings, games, arts and craft, therapeutic gardening, technology training sessions and much, much more,” says Ms Kraushaar.
Ms Kraushaar (pictured with Centre clients) has worked at NCS for more than 10 years and is passionate and proud of the services and support that staff provide to clients.
“It is important to reinforce that under the recent funding changes, package holders have the right to choose NCS as their preferred service provider,” she said.
For more information on any of the above or to simply talk to someone about your care requirements, please contact NCS on 5329 6175 or visit www.noosacommunitysupport.com.au. Information can also be found at www.myagedcare.gov.au.
Photo caption: Angela Kraushaar, Noosa Community Support’s Service Delivery Team Leader, with several happy clients at Noosa Community Support Centre.
14 March 2017