Landfill improvements to help slash emissions


Council has its sights on the Eumundi-Noosa Road landfill in its quest to achieve zero emissions.

An audit of facilities and operations showed that the landfill accounted for almost half of Council’s annual greenhouse gas emissions. But recent improvements to the facility will significantly reduce its environmental impact.

“Waste contractor Cleanaway has recapped a section of completed landfill to prevent any methane gas escaping the closed cell,” Waste Manager Wayne Schafer said.

Contractor LMS Energy is installing extra gas capture wells in the capped landfill cell to increase the amount of gas being captured for flaring. Flaring methane gas – a combustion process – greatly reduces its impact on the environment.

“The new wells will be up and running by the first week of February,” Mr Schafer said.

“Unfortunately the amount of gas being captured is not yet sufficient to allow for viable electricity generation. But Council and LMS are keeping a watching brief to determine when we might be able to use the methane to create electricity.”

The improvements to the landfill are part of Council’s Zero Emissions Strategy.

An expanded garden waste bin service will also help reduce Council’s emissions, when rolled out later this year.

“From September most households in urban areas will receive a garden waste bin as part of a standard three-bin service provided under Council’s new waste contract,” Mr Schafer said.

“This will divert an estimated additional 1150 tonnes of organic matter from the landfill.

“This is a key initiative of Council’s Towards Zero Waste strategy, which also responds to the recommendations of the recent community jury,” Mr Schafer said.

“Organic matter, such as garden waste, produces methane gas as it decomposes in landfill, contributing significantly to Council’s carbon footprint.”

Garden waste collected from green bins will be recycled to produce useful garden mulch. This is already the case for the green waste from the 4500 households who are currently enjoying the green bin service. 

“With our landfill accounting for 43% of Council’s total greenhouse gas emissions, these are very important steps,” Mayor Tony Wellington said. “Already we are making significant strides towards our target of zero emissions by 2026.”

For more information about Council’s landfill sites, recycling and garden waste bin service, please visit

17 January 2017