Have a say to help shape the future of sport in Noosa
Residents can help Council develop a new Sport and Active Recreation Plan for Noosa by having a say online or at a series of planned pop-ups.
The Plan will outline ways to develop sport locally, plus coordinate the efforts of private, public and not-for-profit groups that provide Noosa’s sport and recreation opportunities.
“It will also help to direct funding and other resources to where they are most needed,” says Community Development Officer Amanda Tie.
“We’re keen to find out what sporting facilities are most used, and what active recreation activities people are involved in other than club-based sport.
“Research, including the national Ausplay survey, shows the way people participate in physical activity is changing, with more and more people taking part in activities outside of traditional club or organised sport,” she said.
“We can compare the data we collect against state and national trends and develop a baseline so we can measure the success of any new initiatives.”
More than 30 local clubs have already contributed to the Sport and Active Recreation Plan, which will provide a vision for Noosa’s sport and active recreation sector for the next 5 to10 years.
Ms Tie said Council was consulting with peak sporting bodies such as Cricket Queensland, Tennis Queensland and Queensland Rugby League to ensure Noosa receives its fair share of any new resources or funding on offer.
She urged residents to have a say, either via Council’s YourSay Noosa portal or at one of the planned pop-ups to be held across the shire over January.
“Past sport and recreation plans have been the catalyst for significant state government investment. That’s why it is important this document paints an accurate picture of our local sport and recreation sector and any opportunities for improvement.”
To have a say, visit YourSay Noosa, visit Noosaville or Cooroy Libraries, pop into Council’s offices on Pelican Street, Tewantin, or look out for one of Council’s information pop-ups in shopping precincts in January.
12 January 2017