Peregian Beach projects out to tender


A package of Peregian Beach improvement projects is now out to tender.

Council plans to begin work next year on both Rufous Street and Rufous Lane upgrades.

The work will also include a new raised crossing and traffic island on David Low Way to improve pedestrian safety. In addition, it will improve connectively between Peregian Beach village and the Rufous Street precinct.

“Rufous Lane is intended to be an inviting and eye-catching link between the two areas with new landscaping and arches that will be lit at night,” Deputy Mayor Frank Wilkie said.

The Rufous Street upgrade includes new landscaping, formalised parking, upgraded streetlights and new footpaths.

The package of work also includes a temporary carpark – a development condition for the new digital hub, which will go out to tender in December.

The temporary carpark will have solar-powered LED lighting to support Council’s zero-emissions target.

Council’s Community Services Director Alan ‘Fox' Rogers said Council was working with the community to minimise any disruption caused by the construction work.

“The work won’t restrict access to any of the other facilities at Peregian Beach,” he said.

Mr Rogers said tenders close December 7.

23 November 2016