Less than one week left to do wellbeing survey


There is just one week left to complete the wellbeing survey that will help compare Noosa Shire with other regional areas.

The survey, which closes on 30 November, is operated by the University of Canberra. Noosa Council is partnering with the University to help generate the data.

Mayor Tony Wellington says the results of the survey may prove useful, particularly if repeated over time.

“Council can make assumptions regarding how residents feel about their lives and their community, but here’s a chance to find out what residents are really thinking,” he said. 

“Ultimately, the role of government, at every level, is to maximise the welfare and happiness of its citizens. But how can we know whether we’re achieving that aim if we don’t bother to measure it?”

The University of Canberra’s mission in running the annual Regional Wellbeing Survey is to support research that improves the wellbeing and quality of life for people living in rural and regional Australia.

Everyone aged 18 or over who takes part in the survey can enter the draw to win one of 20 prizes worth a total of $9,000. Participants can choose to participate in the short or long survey. The short version takes around 15 minutes to complete.

“I encourage as many people as are willing to take part. The bigger the sample size, the more reliable the results will be,” Cr Wellington said.

“It is often said that Noosa is a highly engaged community. And research shows that identification with one’s community is a critical factor in wellbeing. So let’s see how Noosa Shire compares with elsewhere. Are we living the dream or living a myth?”

To fill in the survey, or for more information, visit the website.

23 November 2016