Have a say to help shape our new Noosa Plan


Noosa Council has started work on a new Noosa Plan to shape Noosa’s look and feel for the next decade and beyond.

Residents can have a say on a discussion paper, either online, or at one of 11 upcoming consultation sessions.

“The Noosa Plan is a critical document that controls land use and development throughout the Shire.  Over the next three years Council will work with the community to develop the new Noosa Plan. This will be the blueprint to shape Noosa for the next decade,” Mayor Tony Wellington says.

The current Noosa Plan, developed in 2006, is 10 years old and due for review.

“At this early stage in the planning process, we really want to hear residents’ ‘big picture’ ideas and how they feel about Noosa. What is it you cherish most about Noosa, or what would you like to see change?”

Council has released a discussion paper to get the conversation started. It outlines broad subject areas the Noosa Plan will cover. 

The discussion paper is now live on Council’s YourSay Noosa website.

It calls for input on topics such as community, economy, housing, transport, environment and natural hazards. There is also focus on our distinct towns and local communities.

The initial consultation phase will run until 12 December 2016. 

Council is urging the community to have a say on what Noosa should look like into the future.

Consultation stands/sessions:

Noosa North Shore Retreat
•    Monday, 31 October, 2pm-6pm.

Peregian Beach town square
•    Wednesday, 2 November, 2pm-6pm.

Kin Kin General Store
•    Thursday, 3 November, 2pm-6pm.

Pomona (main street)
•    Wednesday, 9 November, 2pm-6pm.

Noosaville (near the Library)
•    Thursday, 10 November, 2pm-6pm.

Cooran General Store
•    Tuesday, 15 November, 9am-12pm.

Boreen Point (opposite general store)
•    Wednesday, 16 November, 2pm-6pm.

Noosa Junction (Arcadia Way)
•    Thursday, 17 November, 9.30am-12.30pm.

Cooroy (near CWA Hall)
•    Tuesday, 22 November, 2pm-6pm.

Noosa Farmers Markets
•    Sunday, 27 November, 7am-10am.

Noosa Heads Surf Club (lawn area)
•    Sunday, 4 December, 7.30am-9.30am.

Other ways to have a say include:

Visiting Noosa Council
•    9 Pelican Street, Tewantin
•    Mon–Fri between 8.30am – 5pm.
Providing comment online
•    yoursay.noosa.qld.gov.au
Visiting Libraries
•    Noosaville and Cooroy Library during library opening times
By mail
•    PO Box 141, Tewantin, 4565

Council will consider the community’s input to the discussion paper, and start drafting the new Noosa Plan in 2017. Council anticipates a draft version of the new planning scheme will be available for community review and feedback in 2018.

For more information please visit  Council's YourSay Noosa website or send an email.  

27 October 2016