How happy is Noosa?


Do you want to know how happy Noosa residents are? Well, the Mayor does.

Mayor Tony Wellington is calling for Noosa residents to participate in a regional survey that will help establish Noosa’s overall wellbeing.

“If one were to summarise the role of council, it could be argued that our true purpose is to support the wellbeing of our residents,” Cr Wellington said. 

“In many ways that is council’s focus. Whether it’s through improving services, supporting community groups, providing the best facilities or encouraging appropriate development, fundamentally council seeks to make decisions that help residents enjoy their lives.

“I think it’s therefore important for us to see how our community feels about living here in Noosa. This will also give us a benchmark to determine our progress in the future.”

The survey, run and analysed by the University of Canberra, will create specific data for Noosa. If over 100 responses are received, the University can also compare the Noosa findings with other local government areas.

“Completing this survey will provide an opportunity for us to hold a mirror to ourselves. It will ask big questions such as how we feel about our society, our health, our access to services and more,” the Mayor said.

“Governments tend to use statistics such as employment levels, economic growth and GDP to measure success. All of these measurements really underpin one overwhelming aim, and that is to maintain or improve the wellbeing of citizens. Thankfully, these days, researchers have very good methodology for measuring subjective wellbeing.”

The University of Canberra’s mission in running the Regional Wellbeing Survey is to support research that improves the wellbeing and quality of life of people living in rural and regional Australia.

Everyone aged 18 or over who takes part in the survey can enter the draw to win one of 20 prizes worth a total of $9,000. Participants can choose to complete either the short or the long version of the survey. The short version takes about 15 minutes. 

“The more residents who participate, the more accurate the overall results will be. I am really looking forward to finding out how Noosa’s happiness levels compare with other regional locales,” Cr Wellington said.

To fill in the survey, or for more information, visit the website.

17 October 2016