Get rid of e-waste batteries and hard plastic for free at Councils Resource Recovery Centres
Noosa Council is very pleased to announce that it has partnered with MRI E-cycle Solutions to once again collect and recycle all electronic waste (e-waste), as well as batteries and HDPE (hard plastics).
Noosa Council's Waste Co-ordinator Ian Florence said, “The Eumundi Road Resource Recovery Centre, Pomona Waste Transfer Station and Cooroy Waste Transfer Station can now accept all e-waste.
“E-waste includes computers, TVs, monitors, printers, game consoles, DVD players and VCRs. So, if it's electronic and plugs into a power source, there's a good chance that it will be accepted free of charge and recycled.
“The Eumundi Road facility also accepts batteries and items made from HDPE. These will also be recycled and are accepted free of charge. Batteries accepted include all common household batteries including rechargeable ones. HDPE is a type of hard plastic that is found in toys, poly pipe and Tupperware."
Mayor Tony Wellington said, "Noosa Council aims to significantly reduce the amount of waste ending up in our refuse tip. This new arrangement with MRI E-cycle will help divert significant amounts of unwanted household items from going to landfill. Ultimately that is not only an environmental win, but also a cost saving to residents."
For more information about what can recycled at Noosa Council’s Resource Recovery Centre and how to improve recycling at home, visit or phone 5329 6500
7 September 2016