Council commits to new Active Mum’s Program
Following the overwhelming success of the Active Mums Program that ran March - August this year, Council has committed to supporting a new Active Mum’s Program due to start this month.
The new program provides affordable access to exercise classes at the Noosa Leisure and Noosa Aquatic Centres that are specifically tailored to the needs of postnatal women.
Membership to the new Active Mum’s Program is just $9.95 per week - paid via fortnightly direct debit - and includes: access to six different exercise classes per week and unlimited lap-swimming at Noosa Aquatic Centre.
All Mums with at least one child under the age of five, qualify for the program for a 12-month period. An on-site crèche is available at both facilities where specified on the Active Mums timetable.
For those who don’t quite feel ready for a membership, Council is offering ten free passes to special introductory postnatal exercise classes.
Noosa Council’s Community Development Officer, Amanda Tie, said “Over 380 mums participated in the original, government grant funded, Active Mums program.
“95% of these mums reported an increase in their health, fitness, emotional well-being and social connection as a result of the program.
“97% reported that they intend to continue with their regular exercise once the funded period of the program finished.
“There are also now seven new weekly exercise programs for mums run by local businesses that have been created as a direct result of the Active Mums Program.
“This is an outstanding result and the reason why Council wants to ensure that the program continues.
For more information visit or call the Noosa Leisure Centre on 5329 6550.
5 September 2016