Noosa Transport Strategy needs to take its time
Public consultation on the Noosa Transport Strategy will need much more time, according to Noosa Mayor Tony Wellington. "This is not something to be rushed," he said. "We have to get it right."
"We have had some terrific discussions within Council about the future of transport. Collectively we came to the realisation that the Transport Strategy shouldn't be rushed. Some of the ideas already being discussed are bold and complex. We really need the community to - if you'll excuse the pun - come on the journey with us."
"For example, it is simplistic to suggest that providing more parking in Hastings Street will improve traffic congestion on Noosa Parade. Studies around the world have shown that adding parking simply increases people's expectations that they will be able to park, thus increasing the number of vehicles on the road. We need to be a lot smarter than that."
"The Transport Strategy will consider the whole Shire, both hinterland and coast. It will look at vehicle use, traffic flow, pedestrian and cycle access and public transport. With rapid changes in technology, should we be considering different forms of public transport, new-fangled electric bikes and perhaps even shared autonomous vehicles?"
"When we began discussing today's transport problems and tomorrow’s solutions, we quickly realised that we need to take a truly big picture approach, not just tinker around the edges. So over the next year, we will be floating some bold ideas to get the community thinking about possibilities. We will also be seeking imaginative thinking from our residents."
"Roads, pathways and other transport infrastructure are big ticket items in Council's budget. If we're going to design for the future, we may as well ensure our spending today meets the needs of that future."
"This is pretty exciting stuff. What could be more fun than designing the future of Noosa? Particularly if it means a more efficient, more sustainable, less polluting and safer Noosa?"
5 September 2016