Council calls on private sector to drive convention centre bid


Council has challenged the private sector to turn CCIQ Noosa’s convention centre bid into a commercially-viable reality.

Council opted not to fund the proposal but work with any private interests keen to pursue it, given its potential economic benefits, such as additional conference tourism dollars.

CCIQ Noosa’s proposal includes a 1000-seat convention centre and co-located 700-seat performing arts centre at the site of The J.

Converting The J into a performing arts centre would cost an estimated $7-10 million, in addition to more than $15 million to build the convention centre.

Council had AEC Group assess the CCIQ Noosa prefeasibility study, with the consultant predicting need for a 6-10% rates increase for Council to fund the project.

“Council decided not to risk ratepayer money on such a speculative business development, but the issue is by no means dead,” Mayor Tony Wellington said.

“It’s up to the private sector to determine whether there is an appetite for the development, and Council will provide whatever assistance we can.

“Council won’t shy away from big picture ideas. It is absolutely appropriate for CCIQ Noosa to bring their ideas to us for consideration. I commend CCIQ Noosa for their efforts, particularly the time and passion their volunteers have expended on this concept.

“Tourism Noosa would need to be involved in any future consideration of the matter, particularly with regard to accommodation capacity,” Cr Wellington said.

19 August 2016