Graffiti vandals told to clean up their act


Council is cracking down on graffiti vandals following a spate of incidents at community facilities.

Councillor Joe Jurisevic said police were investigating each case of vandalism, with Council quick to paint over all of the tags.

“Graffiti vandals’ work won’t be rewarded. We have a zero-tolerance approach to graffiti and it will be removed quickly,” he said.

In recent weeks graffiti vandals have struck at numerous sites across the shire targeting Council-owned facilities at Sunshine Beach and sports clubs.

“We’re urging young vandals to heed the ‘respect it, don’t wreck it’ message, and if they won’t do that then be warned that damage will be reported to the police,” Cr Jurisevic said.

“Graffiti crime costs the community greatly and Council will provide any evidence that may assist in bringing offenders who damage public assets to justice.”

Young offenders are also now being made to clean up graffiti under an agreement with Sunshine Coast Youth Justice Service.

6 July 2016