Gain grant funding with advice from Council
Help is at hand for community groups looking for free advice about grant funding and how to apply.
“The community development team is happy to explain the range of grants available from Council as well as state and federal governments. We can also provide advice on writing grant applications,” says grants officer Kim Cummins.
Noosa Gymnastics Club last week secured a $512,000 state government grant, after calling on Council for help.
The grant, part of the Queensland Government’s Get Playing Plus program, will help the growing club expand its Sunshine Beach clubhouse, which it leases from Council.
Club President Barry Elphinston said the grant funding meant the club could now draw up plans and call tenders for construction.
“This grant, which we will match with Club savings, will enable a doubling of the present training space with installation of more equipment and will allow us to extend our training programs,” Mr Elphinston said.
Ms Cummins says other groups too could be eligible for funding to cover all sorts of initiatives including construction and cultural development projects.
The first step is to contact Council and ask for help.
"Mentoring community groups is an important part of the Community Development team's work. The Community Services department seeks to enhance the capacity of community organisations to apply for grants. The team scouts for relevant grants, teaches grant writing, asks questions to stimulate strategic thinking and planning, makes suggestions, proof reads and provides frank feedback on grant applications," she said.
Community groups can contact Council’s Community Development team on 07 5329 6500 for more information.
5 July 2016