Have a say on Noosa Parklands park management plan


From today residents can have a say on a draft management plan for the parks and bush reserves in the Noosa Parklands residential estate.

Council’s Principal Environment Officer Peter Milne said mosquito and weed control, flooding, vegetation and tree maintenance, bushfires and bushcare plantings were just some of the issues discussed in the draft plan.

“It proposes solutions to some of the concerns residents have raised, and generally aims to better protect and enhance the natural, cultural, recreational and community values of eight Noosa Parklands parks, including popular Heritage Park,” Mr Milne said.

New signage, pathway improvements and the development of an ecological restoration plan are among the actions detailed in a proposed 15-point action plan.

To view the Noosa Parklands Draft Park Management Plan and have say, visit Council’s YourSay Noosa website or visit Council’s offices at 9 Pelican Street, Tewantin to view a hard copy.

“Residents can also view a hydrology report at YourSay Noosa, and Council is keen to hear residents’ feedback, not only online but as part of an on-site information session next month,” Mr Milne said.

Residents can have a say and ask questions of Council officers on all aspects of the plan at the Heritage Park shelter shed, near the intersection of Griffith Avenue and Parkview Court, Noosa Parklands on Wednesday 6 July 2016 at 10am, or Thursday 21 July 2016 at 2pm.

The consultation closes July 29.

For more information visit the YourSay Noosa website or telephone Council on (07) 5329 6500.

22 June 2016