Library seeks volunteer literacy tutors


Noosa Library Service is calling for volunteer tutors to help deliver its Community Literacy Program.

Tutors work one-on-one with program participants to help improve their literacy and numeracy skills.

“Given almost half of Australians aged 15-74 years have literacy skills below the minimum level required to meet the demands of an increasingly knowledge-based society, this program is invaluable,” said Noosa Council Manager of Libraries & Galleries, Kerri Contini.

“Not everyone is comfortable in a formal or traditional education environment and so this program presents an alternative, offering a community-based service in a supportive environment where people feel safe and comfortable – their local library.

“The program suits people who may struggle with day-to-day tasks such as reading to their children, completing forms, understanding instructions, and managing the family budget.

“The Noosa Library’s literacy program is very successful because it works on an individual basis to help a learner achieve an individual goal.

“We’ve also seen an increase in requests for assistance from people from non-English speaking backgrounds, so we are keen to hear from potential tutors with an interest or experience in working with these learners.”

Volunteer tutors will undertake a 12-week Volunteer Community Adult Literacy Tutoring Course, to start in June at Noosaville Library.

“The contribution of volunteer tutors is incredibly worthwhile and can help change the course of participants’ lives,” Ms Contini said.

Applications can be downloaded from the Noosa Library Service website or contact the Volunteer Liaison Officer on (07) 5329 6578 or via email.

Applications close 18 May 2016.

29 April 2016