Plan to improve koalas' plight open for comment


Residents can have a say, from today, on Council’s plan to protect the Shire’s koalas.

The Draft Noosa Shire Koala Conservation Plan will be open for comment at Council’s Your Say Noosa website, for six weeks. Copies of the Plan will be available for viewing and comment at Noosaville and Cooroy libraries and the mobile library. ‘Pop-ups’ at libraries will be manned by Council officers and Councillors, at various times, where residents can ask questions and have their say.

Mayor Tony Wellington said the draft plan followed extensive consultation with key stakeholders, such as koala protection and environment groups, plus members of the public.

It aims to protect koala habitat on both private and public land, improve education, community awareness, data collection and mapping. It will also consider targeted wild dog control in koala hotspots.

“The Draft Noosa Shire Koala Conservation Plan details more than 20 actions to help achieve these aims,” says Cr Wellington.

“These include an audit of current koala infrastructure such as protective fencing. Council support for University of the Sunshine Coast local koala research will be ongoing.

“The Draft Plan also promotes Land for Wildlife programs, Voluntary Conservation Agreements and other incentives to encourage private landowners to help protect koala habitat.”

Cr Wellington said Council had already completed some of the actions including koala mapping and use of the koala-tracking dog.

“There are some important vegetation linkages that cross jurisdictional boundaries and Noosa Council will need to work with Sunshine Coast Council and Gympie Shire Council to help protect this habitat,” he said.

The Draft Noosa Shire Koala Conservation Plan follows on from Council’s adoption of a koala policy last year.

“The actions we take to protect koalas will also improve biodiversity in the local area by assisting non-target species,” Cr Wellington said.

“We look forward to hearing from residents across the Shire. It can be as simple as reporting koala sightings to Council.”

To read the Draft Noosa Shire Koala Conservation Plan 2016, find out more and have a say, visit libraries, Council's YourSay Noosa website or telephone Council on 5329 6500.

29 April, 2016