Noosa Art Award entry deadline extended
Noosa Regional Gallery has extended the 2016 Noosa Art Award entry deadline to midnight, Sunday 14 February, 2016.
Gallery Director Nina Shadforth says she is excited to see this year’s entries.
“I’d love to see some really mixed media contemporary works on the wall and see people stretch the theme to its limit. You often see quite literal interpretations, but I love seeing how far people can take it,” she said.
“We have received applications from a number of local artists so far and I’m keen to see how far the news of this year’s Noosa Art Award has spread, and what kind of work this will translate to in our second iteration,” she said.
Past entrant in the national art award and highly commended category winner, Carley Cornelissen, welcomed news of the extended deadline this week, which will provide her and other artists more time to submit entries.
The local mixed media artist, who is trekking in Tasmania, was among the many artists who attended the first Noosa Art Award’s opening night, which showcased a diverse collection of art.
“It’s interesting to see what kind of artists you end up showing with,” Ms Cornelissen said.
Ms Shadforth said other artists had also welcomed the Gallery’s decision to extend the deadline to Sunday, 14 February.
Judges will choose a selection of finalists to showcase in an exhibition at Noosa Regional Gallery, from Friday, 6 May, through to Sunday, 26 June.
Winners will be announced at the gala opening, 4pm, Saturday, 7 May, 2016. The Noosa Art Award is a national and acquisitive contemporary award open to Australian artists and designers working in 2D or 3D medium.
Entries must reflect the unique character of modern Australia’s coastal or hinterland environments, urban or natural.
Entries for the 2016 Noosa Art Award close midnight, Sunday February 14. For details, visit the Noosa Regional Gallery website.
27 January 2016