Rufous Street master plan to open for comment
Council will next month unveil a draft master plan for the Rufous Street precinct in Peregian Beach.
“The plan, which has been developed over the past eight months in consultation with the local community, will be on display and available for comment at a public meeting to be held at 10am, Saturday 30 January at Peregian Beach Community House,” says Community Services Director Alan ‘Fox’ Rogers.
“Following the meeting Council will also post the draft master plan online at Council’s Your Say Noosa webpage to give those who can’t attend the meeting the opportunity to provide feedback.”
Mr Rogers said green space was a major feature of the master plan. It also proposes a new building next to the Community House on David Low Way which will become a home for IT enterprises, start-ups and a digital hub.
The plan also identifies key pedestrian linkages between Rufous Street and Peregian Beach Village, increases the amount of car parking, and adds traffic calming in Rufous Street, at the suggestion of stakeholders.
“We kicked off the community consultation for the master plan in May 2015 when we talked to more than 200 people about how they would like to see Peregian Beach develop. Following the public meeting we held a design charrette in June that focused on the Rufous Street precinct.
“Since then we have tested a number of ideas with the community and technical experts such as traffic engineers, town planners and architects,” Mr Rogers said.
The draft master plan reflects not only the community’s input, but also traffic and feasibility studies and relevant planning and legislative constraints.
Mr Rogers said the Project Control Group would review feedback from the 30 January meeting and comments on the Your Say Noosa website before presenting a finished master plan to Council for its approval.
The public meeting starts at 10 am at the Peregian Beach Community House, 30 January. All are welcome.
The Your Say Noosa website will be open for comment from January 30 until midday Wednesday, 10 February.
20 January 2016