Call for input into a new Noosa Transport Strategy


Noosa Council is calling on the community to help it develop a new transport strategy to carry the Shire through to 2036.

The Noosa Transport Strategy will focus on Noosa's public and private transport networks, and it provides an opportunity for residents to help set the transport agenda in Noosa for the next 20 years.

“With pressures on Noosa residents' lifestyle from an increasing population and car usage, together with millions of visitors to the region annually, there is an urgent need for a high performing and effective passenger transport system,” says Noosa Council Planning and Infrastructure Director Martin Drydale.

The Strategy will include a 20-year vision, an interim 10-year strategy and a five-year action plan.

Mr Drydale says it will spell out important priorities to avoid future traffic gridlock.

“Transport falls within the responsibility of not just Council but also the state government and the private sector,” Mr Drydale said.

The strategy will address:

  • Ways to improve the existing passenger transport network, including all public transport modes such as buses, taxis, river ferry and the potential for alternatives.
  • Ways to improve walking and cycling infrastructure.
  • How to actively encourage the use of alternatives to private vehicles for short journeys.
  • Ways to improve parking practices.
  • How to harness new technologies.
  • New methods of funding transport infrastructure and services for the Shire.

Strategies employed between 2006 and 2016 have achieved much, which the new Strategy will build on. These included: the development of a comprehensive network of cycle and pedestrian paths, the construction of the transit centre at Noosa Junction and the nine-year TravelSmart initiative that was rolled out in schools, workplaces, key destinations and the general community.

TravelSmart encouraged travel behaviour change and the adoption of alternatives to car travel such as better use of public transport, carpooling, cycling, walking and take-up of motor scooters.

To have your say in the development of a new Noosa Transport Strategy please visit Council's YourSay Noosa website or post a letter to Council at PO Box 141, Tewantin, 4565. The consultation period is open between Monday January 11 and Sunday 31 January 2016.

6 January 2016