Council adopts new Noosa Shire Social Strategy
Noosa Council last night adopted a new social strategy for the Shire, developed in consultation with the local community.
The Noosa Social Strategy is a long-term plan for protecting and enhancing Noosa residents’ quality of life and wellbeing.
“It identifies Noosa’s strengths as a community and priority issues we, as a community, need to address,” said Social Strategy Reference Group spokesman Cr Frank Pardon.
“Here in Noosa we have a strong community spirit, an engaged population, a large pool of active retirees who enjoy volunteer work, dynamic sports clubs, and strong social and cultural organisations, and a great appreciation of our history and heritage,” Cr Pardon said.
“The Strategy identifies a number of challenges we face including the rising cost of living and access to government agencies and support services.
“From a customer point of view, our community may benefit from a one-stop community hub that brings multiple agencies together under one roof – not just government agencies but also community and welfare organisations.”
Council developed the social strategy in consultation with key stakeholders including local welfare and service organisations, and feedback from individuals in the community.
“Importantly the strategy spells out Council’s role and seeks to improve collaboration between government and non-government organisations, service agencies, facility providers and individuals to avoid duplication, improve services and enhance our social capital.”
Council will start working with stakeholders to begin implementing the strategy’s key initiatives early next year.
Cr Pardon thanked the community for its input into the development of the social strategy.
18 December 2015